St. Mary's Indian Orthodox Church 
Northern Virginia 
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Meaning of Life
(Rev. Dr. Daniel Thomas)
From time immemorial people started reflecting upon themselves.
These are three important questions every thinking human being posed; Where do I come from? Where am I going? How do I get there?
The first question, 'Where do I come from?'
A university professor who taught Chemistry answered that question. He gave the chemical analysis of a human being. In a human body there is enough fat to make seven bars of soap, enough iron to make one medium sized nail; enough lime to whitewash a large dog-house; enough sugar to fill a sugar-sifter; enough magnesium for a dose of magnesia: enough potassium to explode a toy gun; enough phosphorus to tip 2200 matches; very little sulphur, and plenty of water which is sufficient enough to water an indoor plant at least for a week.
That is one answer to the question.
But true Christians want to say more than this. They say that all life including human life come from God. It is not mere collection of chemical elements and it is not a chance conglomeration. But it is a great gift of God. Since all human beings are coming from the same source God, who is the substratum of everything, every human being is closely related to each other. We have the same Father, God the Father.
Where I am going?
If life is a gift from God, it is then something to give back to God. Some people would say we are going nowhere. Death is the end and there is nothing beyond it. Philosophers who had no faith in God propagated that theory through the Myth of Sisyphus. But for us Christians what we do in life matters because death is not an end. But it is only the beginning of a new life.. It is rather the gateway to a great and eternal life.
How do we get there?
To make our journey easy to our final destination God the Father sent His only begotten Son to the world and He is there to guide us and lead us to our final goal.
Let us get ready to RECEIVE HIM.